Fun for all the Family

Kids – bring your family and friends to enjoy some crafts, games and cooking.

Fun starts at 3.30 pm with a choice of various crafts, and games on the theme of the month.

Why not have at go at cooking?

Keep enjoying making things together until 5 pm when we all sit down to eat the things we have made and have a drink.

After some clearing up we finish at 5.30pm and you can take home all the amazing things you have made.

General Information

£1 per child to cover costs of equipment.

Remember some crafts are messy so wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty.

Children remain the responsibility of the adult who brings them at all times.

email for more details

Current News from Family Fun

There are no Family Fun's planned at the moment but please join us for Messy Church those planned for 2018 are Saturday 24th November and 15th December 3.30- 5.30 pm.